So I kinda forgot to write about my 9th month. Partially because I was busy, partially because I was in a show but mostly because I was having entirely too much fun to give a damn that I've now been away from home for 9 months! 9 months! I could have had a baby in that time, but thank god I didn't. So now we're at pretty much exactly the 9 1/2 month phase and I'm just so pleasantly surprised at how much I'm loving living here.
Don't get me wrong I still
hate severely dislike that BCS is not San Antonio and that I don't get to see my family, friends and nephew all the time, but it's okay I've dealt with it and am moving on. Not really, but trying to. I no longer have debilitating homesickness. I have people outside of work that are super friendly, supportive and fun/ridiculous.
So happy/crappy time or whoops & poops as my boss prefers. Always start with crappy or poops because then you end on the high notes-
I still always feel like my health isn't good here. I wake up with a bloody nose at least twice a week and am unable to breathe through my nose a lot. The air here sucks! I always have the strange remnants of a tickle in my throat and I've had a bad cough since I had walking pneumonia back in March- it will not go away.
This town feels empty in the summer and it freaks me out. Where is everyone?
Sometimes I still don't sleep. And the cats don't like it when I talk to them at 3AM.
$4 Zombie movie viewing....bad idea.
A little bit of both
Drinks are cheap here y'all.
Snap Chat.
Drinks are cheap here y'all.
My cats are crazy.
Snap Chat.
Spamalot Auditions on Sunday.
I never have to buy gas. Seriously y'all I went all of May on one tank till I went home to watch the nephew for Memorial Day. Amazing!
I love the theatre company and the people within it. Don't know what I'd do here without them.
I am no longer a flight risk, we can take the bed alarm off the hospital bed cause I'm not going anywhere!
I cut my hair. Well actually Amanda at
Flux did.
Downtown Bryan. The Corner. Karaoke.
I think those are the highlights- So it's almost July and I can't freakin' believe it!!! How did that happen? In just a few more months I'll have been here a year. Super excited cause this year has been amazing. Terrible, awful, no good but also wonderful, fun, scary and great.
Wishes for month 10!
Don't get sick.
Don't get sick.
Snap Chat.
Don't get sick.
Work on my tan.
Read 3ish books.
Don't get sick.
So a much more positive "days" update than the previous ones that can be seen
here and
here. Yes?